Motorcycling through Corsica
With over 8 million tourists every year, Corsica can pride itself on being one of the leading destinations of the Mediterranean.
It's also a legendary destination for bikers who love nature.
La Méridionale, partenaire de "On the Road"
La Méridionale est fière d’être partenaire du Salon de la moto On the Road, qui se tiendra du 14 au 16 mars 2025 à Marseille. Rejoignez-nous au salon pour découvrir nos offres et préparer votre prochaine escapade en Corse !
Partenaire de choix pour les motards en quête d’aventure, nous facilitons les traversées vers la Corse, destination prisée des amateurs de road trips. Depuis des années, nous avons à cœur de proposer un accueil sur mesure aux motards et leurs deux-roues, afin qu’ils puissent profiter pleinement des routes sinueuses et des paysages grandioses de l'île.

Corsica boasts a host of breathtaking landscapes, through its mountainous regions, its incised valleys, its cliffs in particular in the south, its perched villages, its rivers and natural pools as well, of course, along its coast with its calanques and fine sandy beaches with their turquoise water.
Why you should discover Corsica on a motorbike
Corsica is a one-of-a-kind place given the diversity of its scenescapes that are just as magnificent as far-distant exotic ones, and given its incredible fauna and flora. Motorcycling through Corsica above all means enjoying the thrill of pure freedom. You'll ride off on roads that are impractical by car, so there'll be much less tourist traffic, you'll go where you please and stop off anytime, anywhere…
It's also your thirst for discovery and adventure that guides you along mountainous routes, occasionally chaotic tracks, to come across an outstanding calanque where you become one with nature.
Choosing to discover Corsica on a motorbike also means delighting in a human adventure as you'll meet locals who'll invite you to taste regional specialities, and you'll come across other members of the biking community with whom you'll head off for a ride. And, finally, it means choosing to live your road trip hedonistically, by taking the strict minimum and enjoying everything you discover for what it's worth.
Enfourchez votre moto, La Méridionale vous embarque pour sillonner les 10 000 virages de l'Île de Beauté dans les meilleures conditions. À bord de nos navires dans un espace réservé, notre équipage se charge d'arrimer en toute sécurité votre moto à l'aide de sangles et de cales qui assurent son maintien tout au long de la traversée.
Pourquoi découvrir la Corse en moto
La Corse est un lieu unique de par la diversité de ses paysages qui n’ont rien à envier à ceux du bout du monde, qu’il s’agisse de sa faune ou de sa flore. Faire le tour de la Corse en moto, c’est tout d’abord bénéficier d’un sentiment de liberté totale. Vous empruntez des routes impraticables en voiture donc beaucoup moins fréquentées par les touristes, vous allez où vous voulez, vous arrêtez au gré de vos envies…
C’est également la soif de découvertes qui vous guide aux travers des routes montagneuses, des chemins parfois chaotiques pour arriver dans une calanque hors du commun où vous rentrerez en communion avec la nature.
Faire le choix de découvrir la Corse en moto, c’est aussi vivre une aventure humaine en rencontrant les locaux qui vous feront goûter aux spécialités régionales mais aussi d’autres membres de la communauté des motards avec qui vous prendrez plaisir à vous balader. Enfin, c’est choisir de vivre votre road trip en épicurien, en emportant le strict minimum et appréciant chacune de vos découvertes à sa juste valeur.

Découvrez notre étape au mille virages entre Ajaccio et Porto-Vecchio
Découvrez la Corse autrement avec cet itinéraire spécial moto que nous vous avons concocté reliant Ajaccio à Porto-Vecchio. Entre routes sinueuses, panoramas spectaculaires et villages authentiques, ce trajet d’environ 150 km est une invitation à l’aventure et à l’évasion. Téléchargez le fichier GPX et laissez-vous guider à travers les merveilles de l’île de Beauté.

Riding around the Island of Beauty on a motorbike requires quite a bit of preparation. It's good to know that the best time of the year to do it is between April and mid November. Give yourself at least a week if you want to discover all the different aspects of the island and take advantage of every moment. A mini checklist of what you need to do and think about to enjoy your adventure fully:
- If you take your own bike: give it a full check-up before you leave
- If you rent an equipped bike once you're here: check insurance and assistance terms and conditions if ever you have a problem, if your mileage is unlimited, etc.
- Bring a road book with the various stages you've planned
- Choose your accommodation in advance and book it: campsite, hotel, B&B, etc.
- Plan a fuel budget for the petrol stations open along your route
- If you choose to travel with a La Méridionale ferry, you'll need to arrive for check-in at least an hour before the ship leaves
Which motorbike is best for discovering Corsica
Corsica boasts 1,000 faces and incredibly-diversified landscapes: from winding asphalt mountain roads (watch out for animals waiting for you round a bend) to small secondary roads in really poor condition.
Whether you head off on a big, powerful bike or a 125cc, on a roadster, a scooter or a sports bike, you'll find a suitable touristic route for travelling across Corsica on your bike.
Table of advantages and disadvantages for each type of bike:
Type of bike | Type of route recommended | Licence required | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Trial (dirt bike) | All types of terrain | X | Off-road vehicle | Not very comfortable and little storage space |
Road bike | Long asphalt distances | X | Comfortable and wide choice of luggage packs | Avoid gravel trails |
Sports | Winding asphalt roads | X | Mountain roads will delight the bikers | Not very comfortable and little storage space |
Custom | Long asphalt distances | X | Comfortable and wide choice of luggage packs | Avoid gravel trials |
Roadster | Asphalt roads | X | A trial and sporty mix | Avoid gravel trails |
Scooter and other 125cc | Asphalt roads and tracks | You can ride across Corsica without a licence | Plan on stopping lots for fuel |
What gear do you need for travelling around Corsica on a motorbike
Discovering Corsica by bike means riding off for an adventure, to discover natural regions where fauna and flora live in perfect harmony. All this may seem like a dream scenario but it can become a nightmare if you're not kitted out correctly. An overview of the gear you should take, for your two-wheeler and for yourself.
To fully enjoy your trips on your two-wheeler in Corsica, you'll need:
- Map or GPS
- Helmet, gloves, boots, biking jacket or even fully-body leathers. From July and through summer, leather gear, especially a jacket, is too hot, bring a breathable jacket
- Road book with your stages and the list of petrol stations open
- Tool kit in the event of breakdown
- Motorbike licence and other documents sealed in an airtight wrap in case it rains
- Fuel budget
- Remember bags/cases for storing your gear: a top case and/or side cases
- Take waterproof rain trousers.
- Hat / cap
- Sunglasses
- T-shirt
- Shorts
- Swimming gear
- Sunscreen
- Camera to immortalize the magic of the moment
- Tent and sleeping bag if you intend to stop off at campsites
Here are 2 types of route: one for experienced riders and suitable for custom bikes starting out from Ajaccio and the other for novice bikers starting in Bastia.

Discovering Corsica on a custom bike
This route is for seasoned bikers, to discover Corsica on their custom bikes. We advise you to take a ferry to the port of Ajaccio, the starting point for your trip that will finish a week later in Bastia.

Head for Propriano along the coast road as you leave Ajaccio. Between Propriano and Sartène, we suggest you visit the Olva Nature Park where you can discover Corsican species along a botanical discovery trail as well as domestic animals endemic to the region, all roaming free.
Next, pursue your route until you reach Ventilegne Lagoon where you can kitesurf if you're sporty and love thrills and spills. After this stop-off, head to Bonifacio where you can take time out to admire the Bouches de Bonifacio Nature Reserve and its limestone cliffs.
Continue your route to Porto Vecchio. Stop off a few kilometres from there to visit the Ceccia archaeological site and explore the vestiges dating back to the 4th millennium BCE and take in the breathtaking vista. Continue along the winding inland roads to Corte where you can visit the Museum of Corsica. Now ride on to Piana with its dreamy calanques listed as a Unesco world heritage site. Next, visit Scandola Reserve with its red granite cliffs, another Unesco world heritage site. When you get close to Galeria, a must-stop is Fango Valley with its crystal-clear torrent, its forest and its mountains.
If you love festivals, then make a stop off in Calvi for "Calvi on the Rocks", if you're around at the beginning of July. Weave your way along Balagne and enjoy a break on Île Rousse to see the Pietra lighthouse. Next up, ride along the Gulf of Saint Florent and around Cap Corse on your bike until you reach Bastia.

An easy route for discovering Corsica on a bike
Head out of Bastia to Saint Florent then ride along the amazing Agriates Desert. Next, ride inland and cross Corsica Regional Nature Park until you get to Corte. Take time out here to wander around the fabulous Restonica Gorges and why not even enjoy a swim in Lake Melo or Lake Capitello.
Now, hit the road to Aléria to discover local gastronomy and Corsican cold cuts. Continue your route a bit further and spend a relaxing moment on the sandy beaches of Solenzara and Favone as well as Polischellu Waterfalls.
Your next stop-off is Porto-Vecchio. Along the way, take some time off to discover the Cucuruzzu and Capula archaeological sites. The Aiguilles de Bavella (Bavella Needles) invite you to wow during an incredible natural show as the sun sets.
Pursue your route with exceptional sites by heading to Palombaggia with its white sandy beaches surrounded by red rocks, some of Corsica's most beautiful beaches. The next stage of your road trip takes you to Bonifacio and its limestone cliffs.

Awe-inspiring scenery continues to roll by as you ride along winding mountain roads: Sartène, Campomoro, Propriano, Porto Pollo, then on to Ajaccio, the end of your journey.