
Port of Propriano: map and access


La Méridionale welcomes its passengers travelling to Marseille at the port of Propriano, in Southern Corsica. The commercial port, located less than a kilometre from the town's main attractions, is accessible on foot and by car.

Traveller access to the port

La Méridionale's travellers board Kalliste in the port of Propriano in Corsica to cross to the continent.

Our staff does its utmost to ensure your holiday continues during this crossing. Hospitality is warm and friendly on-board and you'll be welcomed in excellent conditions.

You can view our map to locate exactly where our agency and the boarding dock are.

Tips for boarding

When boarding from the Island of Beauty, we advise you to arrive:

  • at last one hour prior to scheduled departure time for foot passengers;
  • at least one and a half hours prior to scheduled departure time for people with vehicles.

Access to the Corsican port of Propriano may be slowed in the event of heavy traffic and roadworks. Think ahead and give yourself more time to arrive!
Before leaving, make sure you have the right paperwork for travelling to Corsica and the continent. You'll need to show your documents to access the ferry.

Our crew will ask you to present your booking and valid proof of identity for each passenger. If you're travelling with a car or two-wheeler, remember to take your vehicle papers.

If your pet travels in your vehicle, we advise you to place them in the passenger compartment, with the windows partially open. In the event of hot weather, it is advisable to book a place in the kennel.

You cannot access the parking deck or the kennel from the moment the ship sets sails and until it arrives. Our crew checks on your pets regularly during the crossing.


Address: Gare maritime Quai L'Herminier 20110 Propriano
GPS coordinates: 41.677161, 8.897641

Coordonnées GPS : 41.677161, 8.897641

Itineraries to the port of Propriano

The port of Propriano in Corsica is located in the centre of town. It is easily accessible on foot, by taxi and with your own car.


  • Take the N196 direction Propriano
  • Take the coastal road direction Centre-Ville, then
  • Port de Commerce

HGVs :

  • Take direction Sartène
  • At the 2nd roundabout, follow Propriano Centre


  • Take the N196 direction Propriano/Ajaccio
  • Take the D196 direction Propriano Centre
  • Follow Port de Commerce


  • Take the N198 direction Bonifacio
  • Take the D859 direction Figari/Aéroport de Figari
  • Take the N196 to Propriano, then
  • Take the D196 direction Propriano Centre
  • Follow Port de Commerce

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